Hello, all! My name is Henry Baillie-Brown, and I am the founder and Operations Manager for Air Support Aerial Photography. First, a quick background and thank-you section:
A.S.A.P. Started in May of 2013 with a dream of mine: To combine my love of aviation and multi-media. With over 5+ years of experience, hundreds of successful flights, many happy clients and many lessons both taught and learned, I believe that I was successful in my personal goals. What I didn't expect was the amazing support that came out of the local Ontario community in my adventures and the amazing people that networked with me and supported my dreams. To all of these amazing people, Thank you! Also a huge thank you to the many friends and family who have helped me over the years with both volunteering their work, as well as helping me VIA moral support. Most importantly, a HUGE thank you to my Mum and Dad <3 Both acting as my spotters and "employees", but also as the world's best parents ever. They always believed in me and kept me going even in the hardest of the times. You two are the best. I love you, and thank you so much for everything (Including you, Walter!!! (My amazing dog)). OK, with that out of the way, now onto the main purpose of this post. I am putting A.S.A.P. into "Hibernation Mode". I am NOT closing Air Support, and the site, email and phone lines will remain open for you (the public) to use! What is happening is that a life changing event has occurred on my end: I started A.S.A.P. as a coop experience. During my studies at Georgian college, instead of working for another company, I decided to start my own as my coop. (you can now see the results of that!). Today, I am announcing that I have taken the next step on my path through life and have accepted full-time employment at an AMAZING aviation-related company. Therefor, this new career path will become my primary focus for the next while and I will not be able to run ASAP as I did before. I still want to both support the amazing community we have become apart of, as well as continue to do the odd drone shoot or photo shoot, but things will have to be more coordinated farther in advance than before and I will not have as much free time. If you ever have any questions in regards to this post, asking ASAP to do a job or just general Q&A, contact us! Thank you again for all of your support, and here's to a great future for us all! Happy landings, and as always, fly safe! Sincerely, Henry Baillie-Brown Founder and Operations Manager Air Support Aerial Photography
Henry Baillie-BrownHenry is the founder and operator of Air Support Aerial Photography. Here he talks about A.S.A.P. news, drone industry news, and opinion pieces! Archives
October 2024